Friday, September 08, 2006

Car Art

Yet another cool find - the artist Scott Wade, who makes his art on dirty windshields. Click on the Mona Lisa to go to his site.


D.Macri said...

Wow dude, you find some cool sites. how do you do it?

Anonymous said...

No kidding.

Denis said...

I think that these would be better if they were done on random cars without the owner of the car being aware. All this stuff is on the same two cars and seem to have been dirtied up on purpose. Good basic concept, didn't go far enough with it in my opinion.

I give him 6.5 out of 10

Lorne Roberts said...

what? you philistine!

i give him 6.7 on the "execution" scale, and 8.4 on the "conceptual" scale, resulting in a Total Aggregate Art Value of 7.7

D. Sky Onosson said...

check out, you too can randomly wander around the internet picking up cool addresses to share with your friends!

J C said...

quite often cool aideas are combined with cliche. mona meets starry night on dirty car. it's like the artist doesn't think the medium is artful enough so they make art about popular/justified art. too much! (3.5)