Saturday, January 13, 2007

archives 2

I`m not sure of the story behind this. It`s my Grandfather Rocky Malloy on tv circa `57.
(photo off the tv of course). I think that little Billy may have fallen off a snow bank. "Gee, I sure learned my lesson Sgt. Malloy! I`m going to tell all my friends to respect the law!"


Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing!

CaptainGoldStar said...

Is that dude on the bottom right blowing a chewing gum balloon?

Lorne Roberts said...

rocky malloy? i remember seeing that name in one of yr paintings, and i just assumed it was made up-- a cartoon character. it seemed so impossibly Dudley Doright, y'know?

rocky malloy, polite and law-abiding hero of the manisaskerta wild lands.

i have a few generations of law enforcement in my family.

TheBlueMask said...

This was taken of course when the world was black and white. Colour was not introduced to the human eye until April of `62 I believe.
I think it was Walter Cronkite who said, " remember when you wake up tomorrow, your house will be in color! Look out your window, we`ll finally know what color grass is."