Thursday, January 18, 2007

Canoe and paddle, blanket and knife, salt pork and flour (after Trudeau)

It involves a starting
rather than a parting

Although it assumes the breaking
its purpose is not
to destroy, but to lay
foundation and future

Every living act built
on this step

Next one

What is essential

The resolve to
reach saturation
a forever point

They should not be fooled
by periods of boredom
weariness or disgust

That is not the end
but obstacle

Saturation is

So you must for days,
for weeks, or perhaps
on end

My friend
you are obliged

On pain of death

Do more

It purifies you

For it is a condition
that you entrust yourself


The impossibility
of great scandal
creates a new

The friendly
chiding of divinity
in everyday

My friend
could you say that about our adventure

Allow the fine dissection
and return not so much
a man who reasons more

But a more reasonable man
sustaining in the struggle against
a powerful universe

It wells from the heart
and stomach

Being of service

Later, that healthy
methodology and
acquired humility
will be useful


cara said...

I love the title.

It's powerful and fully applied.

Although I might trim just a little.

Lorne Roberts said...

i might trim it too. the good ideas get over-stated, in a sense.

but yowsers... nice work. the last stanza is pure money.

_Q_ said...

I dig it. A little wordy. But... I am a little drunk!