Thursday, March 15, 2007

Supersonic Narsisuss

PICT0108, originally uploaded by babajiwotan.

tibetan demon with a thousand arms
you cant steal me lucky charms
hydroponic farms
supersonic narsissuss
cowboy camoflauged with a cobra head over the eyes
rising up to meet your maker
going to have a soul down shaker

tho i aint no rumplestilsken you still cant guess my real name

In order to resurrect Osiris, it was necessary for Isis to learn how to swim, and so it was that Isis tricked Ra into telling her his "secret name", by biting and kissing him, so that he would use his "secret name" to survive. This aspect becomes central in magic spells, and Isis is often implored to use the true name
of Ra while performing rituals.


Quitmoanez said...

Perform! Perform!

cara said...

cool picture

Anonymous said...

Whoa, bright belly button. really nice photo.