Tuesday, December 04, 2007

check out this new Dru video


cara said...


Learning the way it was meant to be, by trial and error and with squeals of joy/terror.

Lorne Roberts said...

ha! lots of squealing. i was waiting for the cat to pounce.

that was also a really nice one-pawed save by the cat about 30 seconds in.

Denis said...

Nice mullet.... what are that kid's parents thinking.

Anonymous said...


mullet boy and I came to visit you at your new digs Mr.Prieur, but alas you weren't around, so we went sleddd'in.

Anonymous said...

Actually it scared me. I knew you weren't going to post a bad video, but a cat's claws are dangerous. Even if its a nice kitty, it's going to instinctually dig into whatevers there as it falls. Luckily it was the cat-tree and not Dru. Maybe if I were a parent I'd be one of the kinds who calculates the risk in everything, padding potentially lethal table corners and blockading stairways. Actually If I remember correctly I pleaded with James not to playfully toss his son in the air (as generations have done before him) cause it was giving me anxiety. Lol