Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Left my house with an injured back that suddenly felt better as i began to walk. Could suddenly jump to great heights and touch the top of buildings--not quite flying, just incredible jumps.

Ran into my old Bible college friend Brad, and we drove at high speeds through tunnels and alleys, crashing through metal doorways that swung open as we hit them, coming eventually to a neat little house in the middle of a dark industrial space. His mom was there, and she was African (he's not). She told me about a group I needed to join-- a resistance organization called the Gavrilo Zappatistas.

We played music. Anita was there along with Johanna (who's been linked to Tony Hisco in the past). Everyone was happy. I was shirtless.

Suddenly, the gathering was all of Jennni's family--cousin's, mostly, and they were playing Nick Drake songs and I didn't know the words and felt awkward. Eventually, after Knackerson showed up to lie in bed and watch episodes of Fantasy Island on tape, I snuck out the window and began running for the far-away bus until I was on a beach, weaving through crowds of people and carrying an important document.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I was in the happy part of your dream. Maybe that's a premonition that you'll hang out with Johanna and me in Montreal and we'll have fun.

Krahn said...

gavrilo. . . . PRINCEP!? Was that HIS name? The name of the man that fired the short that started the war that ended all wars (foralmost fifteen minutes).

Anonymous said...

Unwittingly, he is one of the most influential people in 20th century history; being indirectly responsible for the chain of events that led to both World Wars, the Cold War and many of the troubles in the Middle East that still exist to this day.

"I am the son of peasants and I know what is happening in the villages. That is why I wanted to take revenge, and I regret nothing."

"There is no need to carry me to another prison. My life is already ebbing away. I suggest that you nail me to a cross and burn me alive. My flaming body will be a torch to light my people on their path to freedom."

I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be free from Austria."

Lorne Roberts said...


reason #4,567,892 of why ethnic nationalism is almost never, ever, a good thing.

i think one of the ironies there too is that the dude he shot--the archduke franz ferdinand (?)-- was next in line for the austro-hungarian throne, and was very sympathetic to the Yugo-Serbian cause.

and yeah, i was a bit perplexed myself by that odd combo of Gavrilo Princip and the Zappatistas.

Anonymous said...

Da plane! Da plane. Boss, it's da plane!