Sunday, February 03, 2008

Poetry Activity

3 day poetry contest.

You have the next three days to create the best poem you can with the following words

1. harrow 2. mole 3. red 4. gossamer 5. kettle 6. liquid 7. mother 8. wheel
9. murmur 10. pavement

If you accept this challenge please post your poem on February, 6 by midnight.


D. Sky Onosson said...

Can I post it now?

cara said...


Ryan K said...

First Entry:

the pavement did murmur
or at least it shivered just now
red tail lights reflecting
through gossamer glass
liquid with foggy rain--
feels like I’m driving a harrow
not behind the wheel of a Toyota
on a wending and winding B.C. mountain-side--
black night leaves me blind as a mole
sister is griping the jesus handle for dear life
mother sleeping soundly in the backseat.

cara said...


disclaimer could you post it? It will get lost here in the comment nether regions.

jeez, I guess I'd better get writing (as should the rest of you out there in blogland)

Anonymous said...

Nice idea, nice submission. Nice, nice, nice.

(I hate it when my sister gripes the jesus handle. Bitch.)

cara said...

get to work knackerson!

TheBlueMask said...

what a fun post!