Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Lorne is a stupid poo-bum face

Here's a letter that appeared in the Free Press today, exposing our very own Wolfboy as a fraud.

No signs of gentrification

Re: The downside of urban gentrification (Sept. 7).

Does Lorne Roberts know what urban gentrification really is? I am familiar with the West Broadway neighbourhood and it is nowhere near gentrified. How many trendy cafes and upscale boutiques have you seen pop up along that strip? Are bachelor apartments going for $1,500 a month like in the recently gentrified neighbourhood of New York City's East Village? No. Even in neighbouring Wolseley you can still get a one-bedroom apartment for under $400 a month, and the stores and services along West Broadway are mostly the same as they were a decade ago. I know a number of students who can afford to live comfortably in West Broadway and they are by no means high-income earners.

I've recently become confused by the attitudes of younger Winnipeggers who want to be part of a happening urban neighbourhood like Montreal's Plateau-Mont Royal. But when property values rise slightly, they scream gentrification.

Inner-city Winnipeg has many problems, but gentrification is not one of them.




Anonymous said...

Stupid poo-bum face X 2.

Lorne Roberts said...

ha! indeed. well said, dr. anon.

i should explain, this letter (in case you haven't figured it out) is in response to an article i wrote saying that west broadway was "turning over"-- gradually gentrifying into a rich neighborhood, displacing most of the low income residents who helped turn it over in the first place.

the very next day, our boy disclaimer had an editorial piece as well, rebutting a silly person who said all poor people need to do is buck up and get a job. it was back-to-back AlfA--

boom! bam! you've been art reinforced, sucka!

Ryan K said...

Gentrification is all relative, yo!

Denis said...

At least you know people are reading (and paying attention to) what you write.

Lorne Roberts said...

yeah, it's true... dan and kristian can attest to the fact that i was absolutely tickled when i saw this letter in the paper today.

TheBlueMask said...

During my morning tar fix, I kinda chuckled and thought "he`s in the big leagues now"
as denis pointed out- At least you`re causing a reaction.