Yikes dudes, I just received notice that an article I submitted was rejected for publication. The reviewer's exact comment: "I am not convinced." Ugh... that shite don't feel good, you dig? Whatever the case, I have soaked in this rejection, knowing that life is wondrous in all things. May my lesson be learned, and my will stronger. I will convince, so back to the drawing board.
Dear Lorne:
Thanks for your interest in our magazine/newspaper/journal. Unfortunately, it does not meet our editorial needs at this time...
etc etc etc...
Man, if I had a nickel for every one of those letters/emails I'd received (not to mention the full-on silence, which may be worse), I could retire tomorrow.
I feel yr pain, dude.
But in the words of Stephen Colbert, who I'm currently watching (he's drinking live on TV for St. Paddy's day)...
Oliver Cromwell can kiss my swinging emerald ****.
If there was a pie chart of the life of the H2O-Man, it would reveal a mere sliver of acceptance.
Use it like a mad scientist. Quest to prove the world wrong!
Anger is an Energy!
I don't want to shrink your sliver even further but...
Anger is energy, as everything is:
Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes, even between the land and the ship.
But anger maybe not the ideal choice of responses. I think Carlos's "knowing that life is wondrous in all things. May my lesson be learned, and my will stronger. I will convince, so back to the drawing board" is a healthier, more potent form.
Yoda: Yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice!
What's with the big lip in the photo? Gimme a smile.,,come on , where's smiley Carlos. Was it the idea that was rejected? Maybe the idea was incomplete. Or....maybe no one is ready to face the organicum?
(cue Captain Goldstar's Organicum song)
lol @ James hooked on baby talk.
I was just playing on Carlos` "rage" mantra Master Yoda.
You just closed my pie chart.
Depression is an Energy!
I get slapped with rejection often both in the realm of the university (where I hear this familiar "convince me" criticism)and the classroom for example yesterday
ms. zurzolo " good morning everyone"
student 1 "you're mean"
student 2 "we hate french class"
student 3 " you know everyone hates your class"
student 4 " you make us work too hard"
ms. zurzolo "you're right, now get back to work"
Anger is inevitable, Anger is FUEL.
Use it to convince, Use it for discipline, Use it to keep moving.
yep, anger is normal, natural, and can be a great fuel. of course, if it is your #1 emotion (which all of us know is clearly not the case for bluemask), then perhaps that's a problem, but otherwise, i'd say go w/ it.
and don't let anyone else tell you what you should or shouldn't feel.
especially anonymous people.
and bluemask said anger is "AN" energy. which it is. not the only, or the best, but simply an energy, that can fuel you at points.
cara-- too funny. don't take no guff. that's right-- back to work, little drones!
Anonymous it was not. The words from Yoda they are. Tell you how to feel I did not. Example you are good. Response and stimuli they are. Positivity always out performs negativity it does. Even in a class , hmmmm, yes, even a teacher can learn from a student they can. Children drones are not. Pie chart closed is not, Open it is, as any cycle.
Cycles repeat open is it ?
Teachers must learn from a student and only then can a student can learn from the teacher.
A dialogical pedagogy.
Reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed right now.
Funny coincidence, it's made me think of you Carlos.
What do you think about that?
[French pédagogie, from Old French, from Greek paidagōgiā, from paidagōgos, slave who took children to and from school; see pedagogue.]
Why me?
Do I oppress?
Pedagogy of the Oppressed is one of my favourite books.
Label's book club?
Yes, Carlos you have an oppressive pedagogy.
Did you do your push ups today?
and don't let the slave thing throw you off...the greeks enslaved the brightest and best from other nations.
i think (from our convo) she thought of you re that book b/c its ideas relate to empowerment through ideas kind of thing.
i'd equate it in a weird, roundabout way to liberation theology, or at least having the same root philosophy. (from the greek for love of wisdom.)
aesop was a slave. and slaves often rose to positions of considerable power in ancient greece.
Freire was definitely in liberation theology, but was he a Jesuit? I don't think so.
Whatever the case, rise, rise!
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