Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pigeon of Power

300_pigeon02, originally uploaded by babajiwotan.

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the drink hole last night.
It was of course extremely cold and I was hurrying along. I looked over and there was a small commotion on the street. There was a small crowd of people standing over a bird. So I went over there and took charge. It was a pigeon who couldnt fly. I picked it up and held it. It was obviously very cold. I held it for a few minutes and spoke soothingly to it in the language of pigeons. After contemplation I realized that none of these people were going to save this pigeon (and yukdugu would eat her) and I had better let nature take it's course so I carried it to a spot away from the cars and let it go hoping it would relax and warm up and then maybe it's wing would work. To my surprise when I opened my hands, Miss pigeon didn't fly away but just sat there perched in my hands. So I figured, well, Miss. Pigeon do you want to go get a drink? So I started walking along with the bird to the bar. The bird and I were actually getting along quite well and I found the conversation to be flowing easily. When suddenly passing by an alley a crazy driver suddenly came a- swerving! Miss pigeon and I were startled. She flew up crazily from my arms over the dash of the car and I shouted out. The driver and I made eye contact for a second and I truly wonder after what must have been passing through his mind.

After cursing the driver I looked and Pigeon had flown up into a tree but was stuck there with her wings in the branches. So I climbed up and got her free. Then I figured she would probably get scared again by the big city lights so I just put her there in the snow. When I came back later she had mysteriously disapeared. Strange because I could see the little snow nest where I had put her but there was no tracks of anykind around to indicate she had stumbled away. My hope is that after warming up a bit she was able to fly away on her own power.

Now here I sit, it's early in the morning.
I can't sleep. Is she ok?
Will she ever come back to me? Will I ever see her again?
Was she mad at me because I didn't take her to the bar? Should I go back out there and make sure she's okay?


Anonymous said...

These are the words I would tell her if I saw her again:

Miss Pigeon, you and I
crossed paths on a cold
and wintery night,
I saved you
your broken wing
I loved you
The swerving car
Oh no!
I left you there

then coming back drunk
you were gone

Anonymous said...

Maybe the pigeon saved you (from the car or some other unforseen catastrophe), work finished and seeing you safely off, could stop feigning her flightlessness.

Lorne Roberts said...

i like your little zen-like haiku kind of poem to her here.

and anon is right. ultimately, maybe she gave you more than you gave her.

everything is one.

Anonymous said...

this event actually happened but I was attempting an homage to wolf-child's recent un-requited style works.

Anonymous said...

some of the best writing is just great describing.