Friday, November 30, 2007

Unrequited Love (further to)

So, the good folks at Anansi Press, "after careful consideration and review", have decided that my wonderful and groundbreaking novel does not meet their current editorial needs.

I am now zero-for-nine. Six more rejections should be arriving in the next month or two. I wish I could say all this negative energy is only making me stronger, but, well, it's not.


On a related note, my novel is about treeplanting, and this is post #3282, which was the highest number of trees I ever planted in a day.


Anonymous said...

You're doing it because you WANT to Wolfie. Kudos is but an acccidental byproduct. I fight the trap daily. "They" may discover what you say, perhaps beyond your years. Or maybe they won't. Regardless, it's all about your intent. Write like you mean it. Write as you mean it. I live by possibilties (aware of realities).
We've nothing to lose.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw this on House episode. You've got nothing to lose if you're a loser.

renamaphone said...

You are thick into this, lr. Whether it will take you up, down, or around, remains to be seen. Your meaning (and your strength) lies in your commitment. You've signed up. Enjoy the ride.

ps: rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.

Lorne Roberts said...


yep, indeed.

thanks for the cheer, all.

and bluemask is right-- i'm doing this b/c i WANT to.

i always swore to myself: "i will do this every day for the rest of my life even if no one else ever cares or recognizes it, simply b/c i love it so much."

so that philosophy is being tested.

and really, the bleak moments are about 5% of the total.

p.s. i am a bit of a loser, and proud of it. winners get tiresome very quickly. losers, especially the ones who keep trying regardless, are endlessly compelling.

Lorne Roberts said...

p.s. losing, and loser-dom, is also only 5% of the total.

Anonymous said...

I feel like a loser today too.
We've got a lot of losing to do, let's do it together

Anonymous said...

You guys are winners, that to me, is evident.

Word verification: eprxlvy

Anonymous said...

another twenty letters and you'll have enough to make a suit of shame!

they should teach a course in unviversity called "finding inspiration from rejection", since it is a very important part of an arts related practicum.

what I like is no one always wins and no one always loses.

Well at least the blog won't reject u.

Denis said...

Wrong JC, I always win!

cara said...

wow, you planted 3282 trees.

Alan said...

What a surprise. You're a shoddy writer and a complete douche.

Maybe if you didn't write about hate-filled, bigoted, liberal garbage you would have more success.

Enjoy your blog.