Friday, November 16, 2007


Hi all-- your favourite (?) lycanthropic (thanks macro) bleeding-heart poet person wishes to advise you that, while further angsty laments follow this urgent announcement, he is feeling much better and healthier and is in the process of semi-successfully extracting himself from unhealthy situations.

Of course, good poems are suddenly harder to come by, but hey... what can ya do?


Anonymous said...

Urgent? What do you mean, I'm in a tizzy wondering what I'm supposed to do! I've started by frying and egg and shaving the strange little patch of hair on my shoulder. I don't know if that will definately help, but I think so.

As to the relationship between misery and art I cry MYTH! Many of the greatest artists are/were inspired, filled with holy fire, humour, energy, love and hope! Sure there are a fair share of sad ones, but that is not why they were good at what they do/did. Creativity is a human characteristic and it's just a matter of maintaining that, whether it is a lifeline in a time of weakness and strife or a meteoric rise to enlightment is up to you, and well, maybe a bit of circumstance. Either way I don't accept a happier healthier lifstyle as a reason to make less or lower quality art; on the contrary...

I will now finish the toe-nail clipping pentegram on my apartment floor, as I'm pretty sure THAT, is what you want me to do so urgently.

Denis said...

So, what's her name?

Lorne Roberts said...
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Lorne Roberts said...

hi, sorry. that was dumb of my to mention her by name. if you want her name and/or the whole story, any or all of you can feel free to email me. whoops. sorry.

mac2own, you're making assumptions about what i've said that aren't supported by my actual words. i didn't say (nor even imply) that a healthy, happy life automatically equals bad art.

what i DID say was that for me, in my current situation, the pain of a weird/bad relationship has provdided me with lots of interesting material for writing.

AND i spelled "urgent" wrong, which i've since fixed. heh.

Denis said...

My comment was more of a "he is happy, must be a girl" thing, than a "what's her name thing". Sorry if I mislead you during your time of hormonal bliss.

All you need is love, do, do, do-do, do....

Anonymous said...


PS. that is not a 2, it is the Korean letter representing (R/L), thus being a play on my name.

I Macro wn
Im a clown

Lorne Roberts said...

Ah ha. Cool. Cool.