Thursday, August 31, 2006

My Star! Magazine Celebrity Gossip Series

Here is the long-awaited second image from my celebrity gossip series. It's called "How Chris Drove Kate".

Artist's statement: I used to read People magazine a lot, but then it started to bore me. Not only was there way too much writing, but it was also mostly stories about people who have overcome adversity and stuff like that.

Who cares?, I thought. You've triumped over adversity? Big deal. What I really want to know is whether you've ever gotten loaded with Lindsey Lohan, or whether it's true that Jessica Simpson is actually even dumber than she seems, and people only tolerate her b/c she's so beautiful. Also, I've found that even celebrity gossip mags like Star! still have too many words-- too much writing. My goal with this project is to simplify celebrity gossip even further, reducing it to just pictures and text "bites".


Lorne Roberts said...

p.s. the background is made of pictures of celebrity hair. there's some jennifer aniston in there, a bit of nick lachey, and many, many more.

CaptainGoldStar said...

How about making a gossip mag about the alfa clan.

Lorne Roberts said...

ha! i could, but then maybe no one would ever speak to me again!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Do it!

And really, this stuff is brilliant, especially your artist statement.

Yet I wouldn't say long-awaited!


Anonymous said...

Keep'em comin' of course.

Lorne Roberts said...

"long-awaited" is one of those vague, meaningless journalistic terms.

in this case, it's a euphemism for "i haven't done any art in, like, six months".

J C said...

great work. Chris who?

now this is a series I can get behind.

I wonder about the use of our own faces and images within our work. how many other artists groups have done that in the past? could be our 'thang'.

Stan Dangerman said...

i would like to see a collage about my break up with Brittney and how she was driven into the arms of K-fed.

Ryan K said...

Sounds like a great project. What we need to do is set up an image bank somewhere where we can source photos and illustrations of ourselves to create these brilliant, gossipy collages. Perhaps we can start an online account that anyone can post pictures to. By the way, I heard Brittney's second pregnacy is really Dangerman's love-child. Can anyone confirm this?

TheBlueMask said...

....but the question remains....
how DID he drive her in to his arms?

Lorne Roberts said...

oh, yes, yes.

knack: he's chris robinson, singer for the black crowes. (crows?)

i'm not sure, really, how he drove her. rumours are swirling about his own infidelity. the latest suggests that she may have realized that owen is just another ladies man, wheras chris is a good husband/fatheer. second thoughts?

stay tuned.

clairemorrison said...

Well I can tell ya all how he drove her but I really don't need that paparazzi right now. Let's just say that Kate hates me, Owen loves me, and Chris really loves me.
I love a pro-writer who complains about too much writing, good one Lorne.
Great piece, best one yet.