Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Response to blaming the terror.

I'm very aware of my own frailty when people talk about the collapse of society. The reason? I'm type one diabetic. Without the benefits hospitals and Medicare that are provided to me daily I would die. Really, natural selection has chosen me to die. I'm only alive due to the medical treatment our demonized society provides. I think that when we talk about being better off without society as is, it's important to be aware of the unbelievable diversity of conditions that exist within the human race. Are we talking survival of the fittest? Is that what you’re suggesting in the original post Andrew? That’s an interesting approach – but I hope you remember that 2 of your closest friends would not be alive today under that type of world scenario. Life on this planet is a giant ball of string – wound so tight over thousands of years that it’s impossible to see the end to all actions or to sort out all of our past mistakes. There is good that has come from human advancement, much of which I believe we easily take for granted. I don’t know the solution to the problems we as a race are facing (which I’m not denying are rampant) but I do know that the total and utter collapse of all the hard work and sacrifice that has come before us is not it.


CaptainGoldStar said...

I would reccomend that you find some kind of alternative to the type of treatment you take now. Is it possible to live without that medication? If not is there some natural source of it? Is it possible some how to cure your condition? Think practically of some way you could live should the whole thing shut down. I worst case scenario you would have to raid the hospital and steal as much of your special elixer as you could find. I would help you do this. (did you ever think of the connection bewteen Ray Phathom's Indomitable Will Serum and your own special daily potion?)

Lorne Roberts said...

Daniel Quinn, in his book "Beyond Civilization" says that it's time to move past this clunky old thing we rely on.

His conclusion is that us humans are so f-ing brilliant (we've invented everything from computers to airplanes to ways to circumvent natural selection) that it's time we INVENT something a new. he calls it "neo-tribalism", compares it to the circus, where everyone's livelihood and well-being is tied intinsically together, and we work for a common good.

CaptainGoldStar said...

that sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

Prudence is the key.

cara said...

interesting comments.

I too have benefited from "medical advancement" and natural selection would have chosen me and my daughter to perish, with what would likely have been a very long, septic and bloody death. ( I had to have an emergency c-section to give birth to my dauthter, she was premature on top of it), I certainly espoused the virtures of "all natural" child birth, and no medication etc. pre-birth experience, and I'm not denying that birth and other bodily experiences are interfered with sometimes to their detriment, but that being said, after my experience I had to carefully reflect on what it means to be "natural" and personally I believe most concepts and ideas are fluid and to cling to static versions is perhaps a bit short sighted. Perhaps my birth was "natural" in my context?

Krahn said...

people die and we do what we can. Also I like to play electric guitar. But if we had no electric lights I wouldn't ahve to see how ugly Lorne is. Ha.

CaptainGoldStar said...

We wouldn't give up electricity, we'd generate it ourselves.