...if you want to see some of the worst French ever spoken (w/ the possible exception of Jean Cretien), tune in to the CBC french news at 6 tonight. i may be on there stuttering out something about how the youth shelter i work at is imporant b/c it keeps kids safe. Or at least I think that's what I said. Perhaps I was actually saying something about how the pen of my aunt is on the desk of my sister.
image from www.hickerphoto.com
I tried to get it over the net, but no go.
Why were you interviewed on Fr CBC?
b/c someone in management remembered that i was the only person around who spoke even a stitch of french.
i was interviewed a lovely young woman named Pascal, who is a friend of our mutual chum Natalie Dupont.
oh, and b/c the media was around the other day b/c the shelter is currently experiencing some funding issues-- the Feds have decided that they're going to potentially withdraw funding from a whole bunch of existing (and vital) programs, and spent a billion more setting up their own, brand new programs that do exactly what the existing programs are already doing.
Vic Toews and Monte Solberg, two high-ranking types in Harper's gov't, haven't returned our agency's calls for weeks, or even acknowledged the issue at all-- and then, the moment this story appeared in the paper and on TV, they both immediately jumped on camera to talk about how much they support our agency.
and politicians wonder why we're all so cynical about them?! :)
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