Sunday, September 16, 2007

babel label

label, originally uploaded by babajiwotan.

Hey Im coming back to Peg Town next weekend. Lets put on a rock show at the label gallery or something. I got a new guitar and amp.

The Smoke Tyghers are ascetics, while being devotees of the god Smoke Tygher, they are monists who adhere to the common belief in liberation from the cycle of reincarnation . This liberation is a realisation of the self's identity with the absolute. Because of this monistic doctrine, the Smoke Tyghers maintain that all opposites are identical and that the conventional distinctions between purity and impurity are ultimately illusory. The purpose of embracing pollution through various practices is the realization of non-duality through transcending social taboos, and seeing the illusory nature of all conventional categories.

In essence, the Smoke Tyghers base their beliefs on two principles. First, that the gods are perfect. Second, that the gods are responsible for everything; every rock, tree, animal, and even every thought. Due to this, everything that exists must be perfect, and to deny the perfection of anything would be to deny the gods. For this reason, the Smoke Tyghers are known to prove their faith by challenging pre-conceived notions of the grotesque, and find the beauty or perfection in such conventionally taboo notions as, for example, cannibalism.


Anonymous said...


Perfect, insane, ludicrous.

Yet, while all things are, this does not mean that they all obtain in the same degree, in fact, they obtain in different degree, so spiritual monism does not equate to ontological monism, or even material monism.

And if we assume lots of things and end up at a moral ontology, difference does not lend license, balance does.

And I'm not sure that cannibalism has a measure of balance, much less being moral.

I really should be a vegetarian.

Anonymous said...

The bread is the body

Lorne Roberts said...

let's play shows. many of 'em.

Lorne Roberts said...

Hey 'nij!

I might have a big art/music/fundraising event for ya to be involved w/. It's Oct 20. Can you be here? It's big, it's grand, and it's fun.

Anonymous said...

hey! that's the night of my show in portage la prairie!