Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pembina Hall, Sept. 16, 1330h

My stomach feels
giddy and tight and
it's not just the
coffee or lack of
sleep it's

something else it's
the wide muddy river of
time outside these windows it's
Grey Gull dreaming overhead it's
the swirl of cinamon in my french toast and
the wind the far
openings of space the
friends in distant cities and near ones too it's
the knowledge of the wolf who
ate his own paw
but paws will
grow back or we'll
learn to walk without them it's

this knowledge of belief it's
this belief of knowledge

that cats curl themselves next to me for
protection or safety or
love (we imagine in our
human conceit) it's
how Y's skin sleeps in
her dim bedroom while her
souls sits somewhere else it's
how these hearts and minds and
bones and bodies mix
themselves up together,
how they ignore our illusions of
seperateness and self-hood how
all things return to their source and
paws grow back and

I imagined 100
impossible things before breakfast and
dreamed that our text messangers all stopped working
and the sky turned green

and if all we had left
was nothing
but this speechless voice of
cycles, birth, death, then
at least we all have it


Anonymous said...

SOrt of a testimonial of the time, I liked reading it, it was easy and interesting. SOme of it seemed cliche or at least like I'd heard it or read it, but that creates the voice of the time for me.

I really liked the I imagined stanza and I wonder if the entire thing could go more into the imagined, and ludicrous, more wonderment and magic and mystery.

And tragedy, and sadness too. All there.

I like it. I want more. I want to draw it. I want to collaborate with it.

renamaphone said...

I love this. JC may be right, maybe it is partly cliche, but I love cliche, so how the hell would I know where it does or doesn't belong (or where it even appears for that matter)'s how Y's skin sleeps in her dim bedroom while her souls sits somewhere else...

love that stanza in its entirety. Very nice.

sounds like an inspiring pancake breakfast.

Quitmoanez said...

Amazing dude, simply amazing.

Lorne Roberts said...

heh. thanks all.

Lorne Roberts said...

p.s. yeah, there are some definite cliches at work... i think i was aware of that while writing it, and just chose to have fun with 'em.

you may notice elements of:
a: the movie "Moonstruck"
b: Paul Simon's song "hearts and bones"
c:Alice in Wonderland

feel free to collaborate the beejeezus out of this, please.

cara said...

the yearning in this poem is tangible, but it's layered with revelation and quietude

it all comes together in this one line for me.
"and the sky turned green"

beautiful words!