Tuesday, September 25, 2007

RIP Ken Danby

Ken Danby, recognized as one of the world's foremost realist artists and best-known in Canada for his iconic hockey painting, "At The Crease," has died at the age of 67 while canoeing in Algonquin Park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting how Danby's shadow and Gretzky's hand are across the canvas, I'm not sure why, but this would be a great painting, that is a painting of the photo, makes me think of dil hildebrand and how his pieces look like sets or stages.

I remember doing a drawing of my legs in a sketchbook where the sketchbook in the drawing showed the drawing, showed the drawing, showed the drawing, if you get what I mean.

Rest in peace, Mr.Danby, we'll miss you.