Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dark Halo

PICT0047, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Im working out a system:
1 leads to 2 leads to 3 leads to 4 leads to 5

1. The Road to Excess Leads to
The Palace of Wisdom...
For we never know what is Enough
Until we know what is More than Enough

2. Renunciation: leaving behind all your worldly possesions and desires.

3. Truth is infinite and thus beyond the realm of words or ideas which by their essential nature are finite and limiting.

4. Let teachers and preists and philosophers dwell over matters of reality and illusion. I know this; if life is an illusion I too am an illusion and being thus the illusion is real to me. I live, I lust, I burn with life, I slay, and I am content.

5. now:

Last night I went to a pow-wow starring this dude John Perkins who's an emminant writer on the subject of new-age shamanism. Much of the same story as Casteneda except still living and I guess more rational and mainstream. He's the one who formed this new age concept of Shamanism with it's systems and workshops etc. Pretty gnarly dude though. Good speaker and good message. He lived with Natives called the shwa in south america the orginal head shrinkers and took a lot of ayawaska( and from the sounds of things had a lot of sex). Anyways at the end he started talking about all these drugs and talked at length about the datura plant and how deadly poisonous and dangerous it is. After wards he made everyone sniff tobaco water up their noses! Funny watching this line up of middle age spiriitual seekers from new york city snorting tobacco water up their noses! And he's sitting there with this shite eating grin like some new-age john the baptist. I was impressed.

Later I ended up talking with a lot of people about my datura experience and I made note that out of the three of us who took it that night one of us is dead and the other one went completely straight edge. And I ended up sort of in the middle I guess.

Oh ya, one more thing; it's amazing how this date 2012 is flying around here. I hear about it almost every day. It's getting almost as much hype as the millenium bug. For those of you who don't know most new age circles consider us to be in the last days, the ending of the piscian age, the ending of the age of kali, the end of the hopi prophecies, the end of the mayan calender and the list goes on and on. And somehow all of these things are supposed to climax and shift in 2012. If not there's going to be a lot of sad new agers.

Today I wandered into the dining hall and sat down to eat by myself because I usually can't remember how to speak english until at least an hour after I wake up. So this lady comes up and sits down and starts asking me about Jesus and sure enough I end up talking about the guy for like 45 minutes beginning with I am the light, leading to Jesus having sex with Magdelaine, and finally climaxing with the fulfillment of the book of revelations; nuclear holocaust in the year 2012.


D.Macri said...

I don't think ideas are finite or limiting. What do you mean?

Quitmoanez said...

I agree with Ol'Smoke.

Words and/or ideas by their very nature are limiting, they allow us to grasp or comprehend that which is limitless, or limit-full if you will.

They are closure.

Yet I wouldn't scoff at them so quickly, they are the first in many steps that leads the way.

And as per 2012: I sure hope not.

Lorne Roberts said...

i sure hope not too.

and i agree (but also w/ major reservations). words and ideas are only metaphors-- they are not the thing itself.

and yet, as c-dog (whose spirit, like that of the Dark Lord Sauron, has lost none of its former potency) points out, words form a basis for how we understand, know, and experience.

in a sense (WHERE'S OUR LINGUIST???) they give us the very means by which we can transcend them.

J C said...

Predictions, predictions, predictions.

Chance, previously referred to as divine accident and divine prankishness, will once again become the vulgar instrument of obscure wishes.

I'm going to win the lottery in 2012.

Groups of people who have obscure wishes
seems vulgar. Especially when their obscure wishes are holocaust.

Find happier new people to hang out with dude.

: )

I don't get people. They want to be the one's that started everything, they want to be the ones who are there at the end of everything.


Anonymous said...

To be the beginning and the end, that is a human if not a biological imperative, it is our goal, our damnation, to begin and to end.

"Groups of people who have obscure wishes
seems vulgar."

Indeed, and that should give all of us something to think about.

Achieve, simply achieve.

"Especially when their obscure wishes are holocaust."

The end has been a wish since the beginning.

It's the teleology of love.

Anonymous said...

"Chance, [...] the vulgar instrument of obscure wishes."

Can I use that?


renamaphone said...

Bunch of pessimists.

So 2012 may be the end of an age, or a calendar, or an era. Who says nothing new (or even better) will take its place?

D.Macri said...

James, when you win the lottery can you buy me some yellow ochre? I predict I will run out of yellow ochre in 2012.

J C said...

I predict they will stop making ochre yellow in 2012. Naples yellow will be the new ochre yellow, assimilating both names. All hail Naples yellow!

CaptainGoldStar said...

Indeed, the world continuing on as is, population tripling every year and along with it our consumption of the planet and destroying all other animal species.

Which is the worse holocaust?

The nuclear one to me is optomistic.