Sunday, November 09, 2008

Black and White

Cleisthenes may be considered the father of democracy, introducing the idea that each person has two stones, a black and white – yes or no – to vote on dominant issues. Everyone's vote shall count, and a new government takes hold, where the people determine their destiny collectively .


D. Sky Onosson said...

Black is yes, and white is no? And what are we voting on?

Maybe I'll just flip a coin...

Quitmoanez said...

Can we stone people?

Now we're talking.


D. Sky Onosson said...

hmmm... your voting system seems to be playing havoc with the ALfA blog layout, at least on my browser.

Quitmoanez said...

On mine too. Although I like voting on stuff.

Quitmoanez said...

In fact, I actually think we had this system anyways. If people commented, they liked, and if not, you should get back to the drawing board (if you like comments that is).

I also don't like the 'please.' I don't think people should feel compelled to comment, or should be pleaded with to do so.

Again, I feel that the comments and the posts, as they were, provided all the information needed.

D.Macri said...

I removed the voting thing and the formatting was still wonky. It was like that before I added them too. Anyone know what's up?

D. Sky Onosson said...

OK I fixed the problem - it had nothing to do with the voting thing, it was "The King" video post, which had bad html.

However, somebody has messed with the blog colour scheme now... I don't mind the blue background soooo much, but the yellow text for the comments just does not work!