A passage from the epistles of St. Ren, to the believers in Westbroadway--
Chapter 2, verses 13-21.
So I do love to write to you is what I'm trying to say, but at the same time the mere mention of your arrival and actual face to face to communication makes this digital wordsmithery seem soooo fatiguant.
But ever since I grew old enough to look back on my early years and see how I suffered in my sad sort of suckiness, I like to tell myself that I'm a trooper now, a big tough trooper with balls and a backbone and everything, and so I'm going to write to you anyway, and t y p e t h e t h o u g h t s a n d i d e a s t h a t I w a n t t o s h a r e w i t h y o u . B o u n c e b o u n c e b o u n c e h e a r t s a n d s p i r i t s a n d m i n d s i n t o s p a c e t i m e .
that was a visual representation of that bouncing phenomenon. I guess it could have been elaborate, but it's so completely and utterly incomprehensible to me that it might as well be as inanely simple as a broken line. So there it is. Le serpent boa a mangé un éléphant. Can you see it?
what is the bouncing phenomenon?
I like this by the way, very apostolic.
i dunno. bounce bounce bounce spirits and hearts and mind into space-time, i guess.
i know st. paul wrote something along the lines of "these words are just a temporary substitute until i can see you face to face" or something along those line. this reminded me of that.
Ya, I recognize that Paulian reference here.
I like it, it really speaks to me for some reason.
heyyy....how did this get here? That sneaky lr, I never know when wolfboy's going to swoop in.
Where's the bouncing? Your guess is as good as mine, but I do like to place it somewhere within the notion of space time. Don't ask me to expain space time, just maybe look it up if you're curious. Or you could just allow yourself to see that the boa has eaten the elephant. That would explain everything, je pense.
oooooh that sneaky wolfboy. opening other people's facebook accts.
publishing private things where the whole world can read them.
perhaps he merely felt that the epistles of St. Ren would be of edification of all the believers, and so published them for all to see?
p.s. I now officially declare this, along with, oh, let's say, 14 others of the 3000 posts, to be the true and inspired word. all other posts are false and must be disregarded.
ooooh. there i go getting all dogmatic again.
okay, so I'll swallow myself while bouncing and perhaps the mystery of space time will reveal itself to me.
Got it
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