Friday, August 24, 2007

Yes, but is it art??

I'm referring to the books, of course, not this post.


XP said...

Check out "The Hero With a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell. George Lucas credited the book as inspiration for Star Wars. You can google it too and get a nice summary at Wikipedia.

Lorne Roberts said...

yeah. great book. Campbell was quite a thinker, perhaps among the first, in the modern age, at least, to show the connections of ideas/stories across culture and time.

also, The Power of Myth, by Campbell, does a similar thing-- traces the common stories through every culture--the cowboy/samurai connection, the hero myths, etc.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of commonality, I liked the article that ties Tillineus, Waterman, and that other dude(who's name escapes me). There was a real feeling of connection portrayed there, a lineage. I like the, what wilkl Waterman be doing when he's 94 line(pardon the bad paraphrase)

Connections! Do not deny the minds.

cara said...

that is really interesting. I've got to check out those books.

So, are there any new stories?

D. Sky Onosson said...

Sure, the story of this blog! There are no heroes, many things happen, and in the end it will all be obliterated by a failing hard drive. Meaningless and meaningful, substantive and insubstantial; very Daoist, to refer back a few posts.

Lorne Roberts said...

ha! the blog of no-blog.

cara said...

Ha, true enough sky...but I hope this mythology will last in our memory and we will tell of all the things that happenedd and all the things that didn't; intact or obliterated

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the hero!