Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pandora's Box

Who else has
opened this trunk of happy trouble
on Melrose Ave?,
Transcona, 1976,


no, it wasn't Melrose...

it was on Pandora Ave--that's right,
I'm nearly sure of it,

on Pandora,

where I kissed my cute little red-headed
neighbour girl
in her parent's backyard
and knew then and there
without a doubt
that the course
of my life
had been set.


Anonymous said...

funny story. From another perspective, I was recently driving down Pandora and there were two young couples making out on the boulevard. I can't say I've ever seen that before(pulic dry humping), especially on a street like Pandora, but I guess from their perspective, this might be one of their eternal memories.

cara said...

how appropriate that your first kiss was on Pandora.
where you first tasted female power.
She was gift and punishment; order and chaos; indeed, indeed

Lorne Roberts said...

well... it actually wasn't. but there is a Pandora right near where i grew up. i added that fictional detail just b/c i liked the ironic/mythological effect of it.

but perhaps the magician should never reveal his tricks?

TheBlueMask said...

first taste of female power! mmmmm

Anonymous said...

Argh, to be damned! To be damned!

Oh glorious beauty!

To be damned!