Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lament for a ruined garment

In my haste to remove a spot
I scrubbed to hard
now there is a patch
of discolouration in a most obvious place.
The stain
which would have come out in an ordinary wash
has been forever impressed in reverse
by the overzealous use of a green pad and dish soap.
My glorious dull green German Army Jacket
has lost a bit of it's charm
it's natural, gentle wear usurped
by an interloping area of whiteness.
Whatever will I do
to repair this horrendous moment
of bad judgment
will it ever fade back into something less obvious?


Quitmoanez said...

Heh, I like this.

D. Sky Onosson said...

I think you should wash the rest of the jacket with equal vigor until it has a uniform appearance, as a way of making amends with it and yourself.

At the end, you may reach enlightenment.

Alternatively, you could put an Iron Maiden patch over it.

Lorne Roberts said...

two excellent suggestions.

my approach is one that allows time to fade the whole garment equally, at which point that single spot more or less vanishes.

Anonymous said...

Match the colour and paint it =)

cara said...

wow, you went lady macbeth on that jacket.

I like the patch suggestion, myself.

TheBlueMask said...

ahh, the obvious solution here is to put an Iron Maiden patch over it

TheBlueMask said...

OMG! I didn't read Sky's post! Honest! the metal gods have spoken!

Lorne Roberts said...

heh. hopefully you have not enraged them.

the metal gods are an Old Testament lot-- mean, grumpy, quick-tempered and vengeful.