Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Repi-vari-tition-ation (Embed Me)

expound me in the irradiessence of mornrise
and I shall be overpresent too
in your mem-x-or-y

lore me in the tallest of tomes
and I shall be forthwithforgotten
like a monstrous shadowform at high nooooon

join me at your knee
and I shall enjoin you to be near to me
like a f(l)a(i)(l)ling projectile-esque-ith-eme

for therefrom lies the hangovering principle
not to last are we
not too last are we
not two last are we


D. Sky Onosson said...

You can definitely call this one an experiment...

TheBlueMask said...

I'm so lost, I'll re-read tomorrow

Anonymous said...

i love it... especially high nooooon and projectile-esque-ith-eme

Quitmoanez said...

Man o' man, you're poetry is getting good. Especially the way your linguistics knowledge is the theme and not so.


D. Sky Onosson said...

There is something I'm coming to realize (and not for the first time). And it's very buddhist, actually, which is probably when I first became aware of it, reading about buddhism in my late teens and early 20s. Kind of what I was getting at in my last poem.

I often, and now, find myself getting back to principles, ideas, and themes that I started with early on, only after going through some stages of learning and experimenting.

I find it happening in chess, too. My overall game is much as it was when I started, only I'm better at it now for having tried different things and learning from them.

Similarly, in music or writing or whatever, I always come back to where I began after some extended excursions into other things. It's never quite the same, but it's not all that different, either.

In a lot of ways, I haven't really changed my basic ideas and themes since I was about seven years old. That's very strange to think about, as my daughter approaches her seventh birthday.

D. Sky Onosson said...

Actually, you know what, it's really much more taosit than buddhist. They are very mixed up in my mind - thanks, zen!

Quitmoanez said...

I am finding very much the same thing.

Anonymous said...

wise words ono, wise words. Like rocks across a river, hop, hop, hop.