Monday, April 28, 2008

Toronto in April


Anonymous said...

The photo second from the bottom can't be in Canada?!?!?!

All of these images arer beauties, especially the second from the top, rugged beauty baby.

okay, I'm on my third try on this word verification, you need 3-D galsses to make some of these out!

Druni said...

AS IF ball and street hockey playing are prohibited... AS IF!

that just seems ridiculous.

XP said...

That sign is worded very strangely. Technically it reads "Ball playing and Hockey playing are prohibited". Does that mean all "ball playing", of any kind? Like what about a giant rubber ball, is that prohibited too? Or, what about a more personal "ball playing"? And what scope of authority does this sign cover, just the street? Very strange indeed. The Big Smoke is so topsy-turvy!

Lorne Roberts said...

that's why the glamourous lady in the last photo is moving to the vastly more sensical (?) and cosmopolitan montreal.

very nice pics. can't wait to see you ladies out here soon. :)