Saturday, January 03, 2009

-=unedited nonpunctuated and so it goes=-

the cure for it all
is a little hard work
just put your back into it
don't lie around all day
like a slug under a rock
though that might be how you feel
as if you're dead already

the cure for this malaise
and second-guessing
is to never guess first
step forward and don't retreat
although parading in circles
repeatedly if unknowingly
is quite acceptable

keep the mystery everpresent
and keep the present mysterious
and mysteriously present yourself
to you now for you are not now who you were then

and whatever you do don't look back
for if this is the cure
than that is certainly the cause


Anonymous said...


The 'so it goes' part of it reminds me of the book I'm reading right now, Slaughterhouse Five.

And the whole thing reminds me of my thoughts lately!

Word: pirdackl

cara said...

I especially like/and should take heed of the last stanza.

It's like you're turning things inside out and then back again.


Anonymous said...

cost of living get so high
rich and poor they start to cry
now that we must get strong
they say, oh, what a tribulation!

Anonymous said...

maybe these could help