Thursday, March 09, 2006

Legends of the Snow Lion

PICT0020, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

This image must be connected with the previous story but as yet this historian cannot explain it. It would seem as if the Great Cat has taken a pause from devouring the hero to whisper something to some mysterious girl. What does this all mean?

In Rishikesh theres no booze, no eggs, no meat. And all the cheese and milk is giving me the runs.
Last night as I mentioned I saw a cow give birth.
I visited the beatles ashram.
War is breaking out.
The Dalai Lama was too tired to come out to see me and maybe it was because he was as hung over as I was on Old Monk Rum.
My socks are very dirty and I may have to throw them in the garbage.
A monkey made a weird face at me.

How are all these things connected?
Where is the synchronis line?

Maybe this line of poetry givin to me as Mantra by the great spirit guide Babaji will help me to solve this enigma.

Oh let me go home dancing on a tightrope. Wearing Supermans shoes Im a rebel with a new hope. Remembering what Dog told me from the burning bush. Now is the time to arise. Wipe the golden tears from your mothers eyes. Run from the tidal wave. Now you ve only got one way to survive and thats to dive right in.

Ive decided to entitle mY life

The great golden feathered serpant hardcore tour part 56 limited collectors edition editors cut

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