Sunday, March 19, 2006


captaingoldstar, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

This picture has previosly been veiwed.
Here we see depicted Captain Goldstar with the Yin-Yang Standard and Goldhelmet weilding the blackstar guitar of Kaoss riding the invisible Tiger of Time and Space. In the left forground we see the Mysterious Goddess embodyment of the HIndu GOdess Laksmi.

The artist is posting this Blog Message on March 18? 2006 from New Delhi India.

"Wow this place is crazy. Talk about dense city. Imagine Winnipeg with five times the density. People every. COws too. I say liberate the cows of Manitoba. Equal rights for cows and monkeys and bears."

and also,

"Today I saw some magnificant architecture. THe bahai temple whoa this enormous white lotus. Incredible. Got some great footage. And some crazy mideavol towers. Like all the hindus and bdudists and Islamics and British who conquored this place tried to build a tower higher than the last GodkIng. And so I saw some freaking amazing towers. Like the time I had a vision of the 1000 year old tower that was 1000 feet tall. I can't stop raving about it."

Did you know Manitoba means "The Speaking God" And Louis Riel named it that?"

Goldstar to ground control, do you read me?


J C said...

ahhhhhh, he-man! that sends me back. after the first gi.joes(the tall ones), it was the he-men figures that were always so different in proportion to the other figures. I never had any barbies, but I image the long legged girls and the short stocky muscle heads would have hit it off. my figures were always an eclectic mixture of all genres, mainly boytoys.

anrdew, have you ever made a captain goldstar action figure? how does one make an action figure anyways. A doll would be easy, but a figure with moveable parts, that's a challenge.

TheBlueMask said...

What`s funny about the he-man dolls- The bodies were completely unnatainable without a gallon of steroids. There was never any mention of young boys being mentally traumatized because they could never achieve such a physique.
Poor Barbie got all the blame,but He-man and friends quietly muscled on.

TheBlueMask said...

do you think that "bigorexia" (which I must be be suffering :)) is a result of buff action figures?
I`ve never bought the "blame the toy" argument.

TheBlueMask said...

It`s interesting that Cosmo is primaly designed by, and geared for women. As wrestling is by men. yet we tend to blame the opposite sex for reinforcing stereotypes.

renamaphone said...

Personally I don't blame any one sex for the barbie-cosmo myth. But I do have a problem with that crap.
For most people, they aren't just mags and they're not just toys. More often than not that stuff seeps into your brain and makes you think wierd shit. At least that's what I've noticed in myself and my friends.

And I think we're all partly responsible for those effects. Not because we created them, but because we as a society don't actively counter them.

And one more thing. I have a real problem with Barbie if you haven't already noticed. He-man was very explicitly out of this world. His peers and enemies had blue bodies or retractable heads and lived in another universe or something. So he's a mythological figure.

Barbie on the other hand, is the Oprah of the little girl universe. Every woman. Despite the fact that her abdomen is too small to carry all the necessary accoutrements to life.


TheBlueMask said...

Well, Ken, G.I. Joe,and Batman all have better bodies than me. They never go bald, or get fat. I think it would be wiser to counter the toys with realistic ones on the shelf as well, no need to rid the world of them.

D.Macri said...

I remember when I was a little boy, my house burnt down. All my toys were gone, and I was devastated. my uncle taught me how to make buses out of egg cartons, buildings out of milk cartons and cardboard boxes. Eventually I started to get new toys, the first of which was a he-man figure. I drew pictures of it quite often, and recall being baffled when my high-school art teacher said my understanding of anatomy was "all wrong" ?! I only realized slightly after that how unrealistic my childhood toys must have really been. Next I drew pictures from men's health magazines for my "muscle man" body types, but also started drawing (exageratedly-so) skinny, or fat people.

CaptainGoldStar said...

I like to draw pictures of things that I want to happen. And the more fantastic the better. Higher ratio of success that way. THis is how magic works. Im happy with the way I am now but I want to continue to improve in everyway, physically, mentally and spiritually. Drawing and alternate me acheiving these things in an alternate world has an effect on my willpower and veiw point of the actual world. Same as the original artist-shaman Cave men drawing pictures of themselves killing animals.

Anonymous said...

Magic does work that way. Divination must be about the fantastic, you get a better arc in what you are trying to make happen that way, no?

I call it the distal enhance.