Thursday, March 16, 2006

poem for my baby

on the side of heaven
where I thought I heard you cry
I peek out the window
at break neck speed
to catch a glimpse.

Know that
I’d swim through
I’d fall through
I’d travel there and back
Without stopping just
Wipe your nose
To brush your curls
To feel your warmbackmoveupanddown

Amazed that I just met you.
This morning
you lay sleeping
Like that
Anticipating that I’d be gone

Did you notice that my heart stopped beating
When I stepped out the door
Soon to be
Miles away
From you.


TheBlueMask said...

This is beautiful.

cara said...

thanks bluemask

I hear you Lorne,
I think when you are able to meet someones needs or nurture them, an exchange of energy that bonds deeply and indelibly is formed. It's not only found in parenting relationships.

I guess wiping noses is perhaps a parent thing though.

cara said...

eewwww puke.

Overwhelmingly so. But then when they get old enough to hold their heads up, eat and walk on their own, they immediately commence trying to off themselves.( I know that is a dark statement but it's true, just wait)
But I guess the thing is that needs change.

J C said...

Children are audacious.

cara said...

You said it.

I could use a bit more audacity.

Hmmm audacious acts as art?

Anonymous said...

the act of art itself is audacious