This sculpture is based on a blind contour drawing I did. I redrew it in Autocad and then had it fabricated in 1/8" steel. Now that this is complete I can make more at the press of a button...in wood, powdercoated steel, and ev
en stainless steel.

Happy New Year!
I must be blind, I don't see a sculpture....
yeah, it wasn't letting me post the images..probably because you were posting at the exact same time!
well, they're there now.
Looks like a blind contour drawing on the wall.
You've got something here jc, yep yep.
Cool, I really like this.
great piece.
I got to see it in the flesh, it's even better.
I can't tell you how cool this is! Are you going to teach me how to do this?
Who did the water cutting?
I got a scary idea James. Lets talk.
The water cut CNC router was run by a guy named trevor at a place called coolcutz on Bury ave...way down logan.
and of course I can tell you how to do this but teaching you would mean teaching you how to use an autocad program...which you might be better off getting a tutorial or taking a course on.
I picked what I thought was a simple drawing for this experiment. Apparently this was the most intricate drawing their machine has ever attempted!
It worries me a little because what I have planned is way more intricate than this. It boggles my mind, the possibilities ar endless, really. I just stare at it and realize I've really opened up a can of worms here.
Ya it's awesome. All sorts of potential.
Uber Kool! How much does the whole proccess cost?
that is sweet ass sweet!!
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