Monday, October 20, 2008



Lorne Roberts said...

the last one's my fave.

renamaphone said...

Ha! I knew it would be!

Quitmoanez said...

Mine too, super awesome, the first is pretty stellar too.

Lorne Roberts said...

i also like the 3rd, where the clouds almost look like mountains.

Anonymous said...

very beautiful, are there lots of tibetan people there?

D. Sky Onosson said...

#2 is cool. I have some of those draped across the back of my house.

cara said...

the light is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I like the second one. I don't really know what I'm looking at, but the sky seems to blend in with the clothesline (and handkerchiefs?). It looks sort of impossible, which I often find interesting in photos.

D. Sky Onosson said...

I think they are Tibetan prayer flags, at least they look very similar.

renamaphone said...

Yeah, they are Tibetan prayer flags. I stumbled onto this scene behind a Buddhist temple at the top of a hill. It was so unbelievably beautiful, what with the colours, the sunlight, and the sheer mass of flags hanging there in all sorts of states.

And yeah, there are many Tibetans there. The culture is a really interesting mix of West Bengal and Tibet, not to mention a bunch of a other smaller local peoples that have always lived in the mountains.

I thought that the people there were some of the most beautiful people I had ever seen.

All in all I agree with the impossible comment that you make Dave. I felt like that most of the time while I was there. These images, when face to face, seem far closer to my fantasies than anything that could possibly occupy actual time and space.

I am always delighted by that, the blurred line between imagination and reality. Especially when my senses are knee deep in it.

Anonymous said...

This really brings me back to my trip to India. It was a real feast for the senses.

One minute you're awestruck by a beautiful tibetan monk (and being 22 we of course said he was "hot") and the next you walk down a back lane and some man is cooking up some hairy goats legs with their hooves all sticking up.

I remember once we simultaneously came across a dead cat lying on the hood of a car, then a marching band of lepers paraded by, clashing cymbals and playing trumpets. In retrospect we couldn't figure out how they were doing all that stuff, since most of them had no hands. true story.

Anonymous said...

"...closer to my fantasies than anything that could possibly occupy actual time and space".

I think the word "surreal" works well to describe that state or whatever it is.

But then I end up overusing the word "surreal".