Thursday, October 23, 2008

on leaving

in preparation, in limbo, in anticipation
a restless rumbling tumbling unease

with a hiss and a pop!

a cork is released of its obligation
meritorious celebration of non-doing
but merely simply being only

[I have read that the words "am" and "is"
are descended from a word meaning "breathe"
and the word "be" from a word meaning "grow"]

merely simply growing breathing only
that is worthy of celebration
above all else

on another day, things will re appear
and coalesce around you like a fog
settling inversely so that
the distant mist is perceived through
a heretofore unknown clarity of vision
all of the ponderings will drop away
leaf-like from where they stubbornly
resist the winter's looming
but this is the age of global warming
and this winter will mark a turn
in the taiji as we ascend and descend
simultaneously synchronously unknowingly
unbidden thoughtless automatic worry'd
and sore afraid

we are always afraid of the unknown
~ not knowing that we know nothing!

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