Saturday, October 25, 2008

X-Ray Specs

Apparently i have great bone density.


Anonymous said...

Ya, wow. And look at all that space for cartilage between your vertebrae! I asked for my x-rays, and they said no =(

Is that some kind of nurse-special-treatment?

Anita said...

Nah, i paid 20 bucks to get the cd.

And yes, my vertebrae are in perfect health.

Anonymous said...

Although... I've heard none of our spines are perfect. Evolution has given us pretty good physics so far, but it's not yet finished. Who knows, maybe there will be some weird evolutionary niche that gets filed by the symptoms of arthritis and perpetuate fused spines as a desired trait (much better than those "bendy" ones).


Anita said...

Our spines aren't fused because we need the flexibility in our spine in order to move in all the complex ways that our back is designed for, such as twisting and gyrating in all those dirty dancing ways. Fused spines would limit our mobility in a very debilitating way.

But..But, according to a very good source, humans evolved to stand upright very quickly as the usefulness of our hands to make tools superceded its usefulness to mobilize our bodies. As a result, we evolved to stand on our feet before our backs had the ability to uphold our bodies in a resilient way, thus resulting in the weakness of our backs.

So in my opinion, in order to take the pressure off your back, you need to strengthen other muscles such as your abdominal and leg muscles.

Anonymous said...

Anita said...

Our spines aren't fused because we need the flexibility in our spine in order to move in all the complex ways that our back is designed for, such as twisting and gyrating in all those dirty dancing ways. Fused spines would limit our mobility in a very debilitating way.

I meant further in the future when humans grow shells and dirty dancing is done by waving your fins at another "human's" egg jelly!

TheBlueMask said...

This is kind of hot

Lorne Roberts said...

wow. that's a frickin' serious spine you got there, lady.

Anonymous said...

It really all comes down to tool using and locomotion. Handsaws and Fast Cars.

word verification: impust

Anonymous said...

Dave said:
"I meant further in the future when humans grow shells and dirty dancing is done by waving your fins at another "human's" egg jelly!"

Whoa, what will happen to make us grow shells and fins and have jelly and stuff? It seems like you've really thought this scenario through. so scary!
