That snowboard in the corner gives away how old school (or just old maybe) I am. It's like a dinosaur, but a sleek deadly one, like a velociraptor or something. Soon I will resurrect it, and then ride it. I'm pretty excited. I hope I don't fall down and break my hip.
The scenery around here should be inspiring for art making. The canvas on the left is going to be an abstract painting based on the different colours and textures that I think are unique to this place (or at least different from Winnipeg or Korea).
I still have a glittery 7" wide skateboard, so don't feel bad.
and you will use it?
Not on your life! I was ok with breakdancing, and BMX, but not with skateboards.
looks good.
The disorganization of this work space appals me. Certainly if your instruments were correct you would notice the obvios feng shui energy disturbance generated by the insipid unobeyance to jahs law of perfection. If you would like your paiunting to increase in value, I would reccomend a dramatic overhaul of your consoliudationulatary habits.
Please forgive me Jah. But do consider this photo does not well depict the space. There are personalized designs on the floor (pentamacrigrams) and the studio and table are contained within it. Still, I hear you, and have plans for a more ambitious (considered) studio (eventually).
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